Balancing Profit and Planet: A Holistic Approach to Sustainability in Hospitality.

Balancing Profit and Planet: A Holistic Approach to Sustainability in Hospitality.

Uncover sustainable hospitality. Delve into key areas like Financial Sustainability, Eco Practices, Human Resources, and Waste Management. Discover how HyperGuest reshapes distribution for efficiency and profit.
Enzo Aita
November 15, 2023

Zero Waste, Happy Guests: Sustainable Practices in the Hospitality Industry. 

Well that's the prayer we all wish could come true isn't it?

Sustainability has emerged as a guiding principle in the hospitality industry, as hoteliers and businesses realize the importance of minimizing their environmental impact while maintaining profitability. By focusing on various facets of sustainability, the hospitality sector can pave the way for a greener, more socially responsible future. This article delves into four essential aspects that represent the whole picture of sustainability in the hospitality environment: Financial, Eco and Nature, Human Resources, and Waste.

Financial Sustainability:

Financial sustainability involves ensuring that hospitality businesses operate profitably while maintaining ethical practices. Adopting sustainable financial strategies not only improves bottom lines but also helps build long-term resilience against economic fluctuations.

  1. Energy Efficiency: Implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices, such as LED lighting, smart thermostats, and energy management systems, reduces operational costs and the overall carbon footprint.
  2. Responsible Procurement: Sourcing locally produced goods and services supports nearby communities, reduces transportation-related emissions, and promotes sustainable agriculture.
  3. Green Certifications: Obtaining recognized green certifications, like LEED or Green Key, can boost a hotel's reputation and attract eco-conscious travelers, resulting in higher occupancy rates.

Eco and Nature Sustainability:

The hospitality industry can significantly impact the environment through its use of resources, waste generation, and carbon emissions. Embracing eco and nature sustainability practices can help minimize this impact and preserve natural resources.

  1. Water Conservation: Encouraging guests to participate in water-saving initiatives, reusing towels and linens, and implementing low-flow fixtures can significantly reduce water consumption.
  2. Biodiversity Conservation: Hotels can contribute to biodiversity conservation by protecting local ecosystems, supporting wildlife-friendly landscapes, and promoting responsible tourism practices.
  3. Sustainable Cuisine: Embracing farm-to-table dining options and reducing food waste not only promotes sustainable agriculture but also enhances the overall guest experience.

Human Resources Sustainability:

Sustainability in the hospitality industry extends beyond the environment to encompass social and human aspects. Nurturing a supportive and inclusive work environment enhances employee satisfaction and contributes to the overall sustainability of the business.

  1. Fair Employment Practices: Offering fair wages, benefits, and opportunities for professional growth fosters loyalty and creates a positive impact on the community.
  2. Diversity and Inclusion: Embracing diversity and creating an inclusive workplace culture ensures that all employees feel valued and respected, leading to increased productivity and creativity.
  3. Training and Education: Providing ongoing training on sustainable practices and environmental awareness empowers employees to become sustainability ambassadors.

Waste Management:

Hospitality businesses generate significant amounts of waste daily. Implementing effective waste management strategies can significantly reduce the industry's environmental footprint.

  1. Recycling Initiatives: Establishing comprehensive recycling programs for guests and staff can divert a substantial portion of waste from landfills.
  2. Food Waste Reduction: Encouraging portion control, donating surplus food, or partnering with composting initiatives can minimize food waste.
  3. Single-Use Plastic Alternatives: Replacing single-use plastic items with eco-friendly alternatives, such as biodegradable packaging or refill stations, helps combat plastic pollution.

Let's get the opinion of Maribel Esparcia Pérez, Professor and Managing Partner of the European Sustainable Hospitality Group. Sustainability Advisor at ABC Hospitality. Passionate hotelier.

- Maribel, you have been embracing this policy of sustainability and, I dare say, infusing it with a life philosophy. Could you outline the key attributes that a hotel should possess to attain certification in the realm of sustainability? 

"It is important for hoteliers to be careful when choosing certifications. Especially hotels in European countries as we enter the new landscape of sustainability regulatory frameworks. For instance, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, extends far beyond green certification disclosure requirements (from biodiversity conservation to supply chain practices). Hotel certifications must keep up with regulatory requirements to stay relevant. 

Thus, sustainability should not be seen as an implementation to acquire a certification, but rather how to manage risks and opportunities and use it for asset innovation and efficiency, from food waste prevention AI implementation in the hotel kitchen, to employee education and engagement. 

In order to integrate sustainability into hotel operations and strategy, hotels need to define their dynamic materiality (in terms of social, environmental, and financial impacts). And what is key, is to do it with a local context perspective, as there is no one size fits all approach that can be applied when managing hotel operations.

BCorp ( ) is the only certification that challenges hotels as it is quite complex to obtain. It is the one I recommend, for guest awareness, external review and transparency. And on the building certification side, it is becoming the standard for banks, insurance or investors such as requesting a certain level of BREAM certification (as a way to prevent stranded assets, brown discounts, higher cost of capital or insurance premiums). 

First, I would recommend having an internal infrastructure and a learning and development strategy regardless of the brand and size of the team in order to prepare, educate and engage the teams. Secondly, understand that often issues are not considered material as long as it remains unconnected to the hotel business strategy, so assess an in depth context based analysis to create sound governance (internal process, SOPs and brand standards), and third implement technology and establish measurements to collect data, manage, monitor hotels social and environmental impacts data."

The Rise of HyperGuest and Distribution Landscape Transformation:

Hyperguest represents a paradigm shift in the hospitality industry, revolutionizing the way hotel inventory is distributed. By enabling seamless connectivity between hotels and b2b demand providers, Hyperguest streamlines the distribution process, improving efficiency and driving revenue growth. This transformation also presents an opportunity to integrate profit sustainability into the fabric of the distribution landscape.

In Conclusion

The path to sustainability in the hospitality industry lies in addressing the financial, eco and nature, human resources, and waste management aspects. By adopting these sustainable practices, hotels and businesses can not only reduce their ecological impact but also appeal to environmentally conscious travelers. Together, we can shape a more sustainable future for the hospitality industry and contribute to a greener, more responsible world.
